Friday, February 8, 2013

Remote controlled flops

This Christmas, the "it" toy for all 3 boys was the remote controlled cars.  I wasn't thrilled about more noisy things entering my home, but they got them.

There is a fire truck, a Thomas train and a monster truck.  All 3 worked great Christmas morn.  I got a fantastic picture.  And they've never worked well since.  Luckily, the boys don't really care and the dog thinks they are animals to be herded when they do work, so I'm not going to complain too loudly.

However, it made me have a moment of insight I thought I would share.

How many times has God given me a wonderful blessing and I've squandered it?  Just as the batteries run down in the cars making them not work, how many wonderful things in my life do I not really take advantage of for whatever reason?  Relationships limited by my own insecurities or just random weirdness on my side?  My marriage--the most amazing man chose to yoke his life with mine and do I fully invest in us, daily?  Living life fully--enjoying each moment, the good with the bad and thanking the Lord for it?

This morning at MOPs the speaker talked about intimacy in marriage.  She reminded us that just as we have to work to eat well, exercise, take care of our homes, discipline our kids, etc we have to work on keeping the intimacy alive in our marriages.  She's right.  What a good reminder.

I don't want my marriage to sound like the Thomas remote controlled train that makes weird noises and doesn't work much of the time.  However, if I would take the time to change Thomas' batteries, he would probably work just fine.  Still annoying, but a great little train.  I want my marriage to chug along happily as well.

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