Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My 50 goals revised for 2013

    To welcome 2013, I did a scrapbook page celebrating my 50 goals that I've chosen for the next 50 years.  Fun project.  I know the text is too small for you to read, so I pasted them below.  Some I've rewritten after further thought.  It took 4 months for me to come up with these.  I'm still not 100% pleased with these, but after 4 months I decided it was time to call it good and be at peace that I can keep adding as I go.

    Now, my task is to choose 1 that I'm going to work on for the next 21 days with my book The Me Project.  I thought it was going to be #31, but that's not working out quite like I thought due to some issues out of my control.  

    So, I'm prayerfully considering which of the other 49 to pursue.  Feel free to vote on one.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

    Happy New Year!
    1. Kiss Aaron under the Eiffel Tower. (inspiration for the scrapbook paper, but not doable within the next 21 days)
    2. Inspire others through writing a public blog. (you're reading the fruit of this labor)
    3. Go to Canton with Traci.
    4. Organize the toy closet.
    5. Play tennis.
    6. Organize my closet.
    7. Find a love seat for my bedroom.
    8. Have an inviting area on the back porch.
    9. Write with beautiful handwriting.
    10. Share dinnertime conversation.
    11. Swim in the ocean with my boys.
    12. Connect with other moms through a Christian book club.
    13. Enjoy my sons' birthday parties.
    14. Honor Christ at Christmas.
    15. Go on a mission trip where I can use my Spanish to share God's love.
    16. Take the boys to see my family's ancestry land (in Arkansas, not Scotland).
    17. Warmly greet all visitors to our Sunday School class at church.
    18. Organize the upstairs room that's currently a wreck.
    19. Crochet a blanket.
    20. Scrapbook as an act of joy and leaving a legacy.
    21. Enjoy nature during long, leisurely walks. (I bought new sneakers last week thinking of this goal)
    22. Learn to water ski.
    23. Organize my kitchen pantry.
    24. Be the best wife I can be.
    25. Be fun with my boys.
    26. Be intentional about memorizing Scripture.
    27. Learn to decorate cakes.
    28. Enter a writing contest.
    29. Use a knife quickly and confidently.
    30. Enjoy down time on the weekends.
  1. 31.  Help empower other parents to raise their kids to know God's love. 
    32.  Decorate my home in a way that represents our values.
    33.  Learn how to maintain my car.
    34.  Focus on the long range with my boys.
    35.  Use my Spanish blog to point others to Christ.
    36.  Teach others Spanish so that they can share God's love through it.
    37.  Be physically active.
    38.  Stay in contact with friends.
    39.  Not allow my boys' choices to affect my attitude.
    40.  Get certified to teach Spanish. 
    41.  Be joyful in giving.
    42.  Enjoy agriculture.
    43.  Wake up with a peaceful attitude.
    44.  Know my burning "yes" so I can say “no” easier.
    45.  Build margin into my days.
    46.  Let go of the plastic pearls so I'll be ready for the real ones God has for me.  (Yes, deep thought there)
    47.  Figure out what recharges my batteries.
    48.  Be a blessing and be blessed as I serve on church committees.
    49.  Prioritize tasks.
    50.  Smile at the future. 

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