Friday, December 28, 2012

No one cares about my dirty floor

I'm thinking about my goal:  keep the long-range focus in mind.

In the long run, what is important today?  To have fun with my boys.  We're home, don't have anywhere we have to be, and have all day to just be.

Wish I was better at being.  I know my in-laws will be here this afternoon and a part of me kicks into hyper worry mode that my house is a mess and they will think I'm a horrible mate to their son and mother to their grandchildren because of the squalor. 

Taking the step back, I rationally know that I don't have to gain anyone's approval.  I'm whole in Christ, loved and accepted for who I am.  It has nothing to do with the cleanliness of my house, the quality of the boys' clothes or the quantity of Christmas decorations we have.  That felt good to write.  I'm loved for just being me.  I really should cross stitch that on a pillow.

I have a list of tasks for us to do around the house that really do need to be done anyway.  My twins love helping me clean.  I've accepted that they won't do a fantastic job, but I would prefer to celebrate their good effort and just live with a not perfect job.  The little guy is negative help.  He wears me out on cleaning day, but I try to take a deep breath and remind myself that this is a season of my life.  In 3 months it will be different.

Yesterday I got out my fave Christmas toy that I got the boys:  a Hank the Cowdog card game.  Boys 1 and 2 played go fish with me with the character cards while #3 took a rare nap.  I loved it!  They are still a bit young to really get it, but it was fun for me.  I kept the long-range focus in mind:  enjoy this day with my boys.  Today I'll work hard to do the same.

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