Saturday, April 6, 2013

More to the chicken drama

I'm so happy to report that my Chicken and Noodles dish last night turned out very well.  Hooray!  Aaron was impressed with my cooking prowess, which is always so great.

The funny stinger to this story I just had to share is the conversation I had with my mom.  Understand that my mom was raised on a farm.  She's no stranger to having to work hard.  But she's chosen to be comfortable now and just assumes I'll do the same.

I told her about cutting up the chicken and this was her priceless comment:  "Didn't you see that you can buy the chicken already cut up?  I would just get boneless, skinless chicken breasts.  That would be the same thing with much less work."

Hmmm.  Way to deflate my balloon.  I'll defend her--she was proud of my new skill and she knew it was a challenge for me.  She just didn't really see the value of it.  And this is where I stand back and say, OK.  Mom's great.  I love her, but I don't have to be her. 

I want to be closer to nature than buying boneless, skinless chicken breast.  And that's OK.  Welcome to being a grown up where I can choose to take a different path than my mom and see that we're both right. 

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