Thursday, April 11, 2013


This afternoon I did something very silly.  I wrote my husband a note pretending to be Jar Jar Binks.  He will laugh.  A few days ago I went to the Just Between Friends consignment sale and got the boys a tub of dinos (huge hit by the way--go me!) and amongst the differing dinos was Jar Jar.  Aaron was offended by his presence there.  I thought it was fine.  I'm not sci fci-ish enough to go into the reasons Aaron is so bothered by Jar Jar.  I thought he was a nice addition to the Star Wars movies, but what do I know?  Not much about that whole genre. 

As the boys were playing with the dinos today I told them about my idea for Jar Jar.  I didn't read them to the note I wrote to Aaron, but #3 helped me find a spot to put it so Aaron will see it tonight when he gets home.  #3 took this very seriously.  He said, "I will protect it."  Cute!

The boys and I are going to join my parents for a trip to the beach in about a month.  There are excellent vacationers out there.  I'm not one.  I'm one of those irritating people that has a hard time relaxing.

I found myself getting nervous yesterday as I started thinking through how this whole trip would go.  Worst case scenarios immediately flooded my mind.  Instead of living in worryville I decided to take some action.

I called my mom and just asked for more details.  I told her my concerns and we talked through them.  After the chat I felt much, much better.  There's still much to do to get ready but it's doable.  Worryville is an uncool place to stay.  Good thing I get to choose to leave it.

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