Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A locked suitcase

Yesterday I was watching a show I enjoy and part of the story was that a man moved in with the woman but brought a locked suitcase with him.  He wasn't ready to unpack it yet and it drove the woman crazy that he had a secret from her.  At the end of the show, she picks the lock and he finds out that her curiosity got the best of her.

This got me thinking about marriage.  In the show, they weren't married.  Keeping secrets apparently was part of their relationship.  Not mine.  Aaron and I agree that in marriage, there shouldn't be secrets. It made me wonder if I have any "locked suitcases" I keep hidden.

At this point in our marriage, we're moving forward with a dream of Aaron's and I'm learning how to be supportive.  His dream is to be a farmer.  We got 5 sheep the other day.  I know nothing about sheep.  Never had a desire to learn more than I know.  However, in a span of a few days, I've learned a lot.

I realized yesterday I needed to talk through some of the thoughts, fears and feelings I was having about sheep and farming.  I was filling up my suitcase.  Last night I told Aaron what my concerns were and he listened.  We dreamed together.  It was good.

It takes courage to open up the suitcase.  It's easier to keep it shut.  Intimacy is created when the contents of the suitcase are shared.

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