Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Blessings through raindrops

A song that I really like by Laura Story says "what if our blessings come through raindrops, what if our healing comes through tears?"  What a beautiful analogy for right now. Our communities are hurting due to the pandemic.  My youngest son, pictured above, has been the most effected by the pandemic of my family of 5.  

My husband and son B are introverts and have loved not having to go out.  Social distancing is a kind of vacation for them.  Son A has handled it OK but he's missed his friends and social interactions at school and church.  I, the family's strongest extrovert, have had a rough time.  I'm an easy crier and this has brought out lots of emotions.  Added to that the stress of having to move classes online and it's been a doozy of a semester for me.

However, son C has really not been a delight through this.  He's disappointed that he missed out on lots of things:  field day, lots of science lessons, fun with his friends and our 2 church camps this summer.  Through all of this he's mad.  At China.  It's not been fun to be sharing his home.

Well, as a family we've decided to pick up the hobby of disc golf.  I like it because there are no fees to pay, no aggressive behavior and we're outside in the sunshine.  There's a course at a local park and the last time we went son C saw a Blessing Box outside a cafe.  He was impressed that the community places these boxes so that those in need can have food.  Today he brought a can to add.

It is easy to complain about all the things that just aren't quite right as we get back to "normal."  I'm celebrating today that my son took a moment to stop blaming and being mad.  Instead, he took a moment to give to others.  Made my mom heart proud.

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