Saturday, March 10, 2018

Dabbing Unicorns

Ah, unicorns.  As a mom of all boys I don't get lots of opportunities to be in the world of unicorns.

Side tangent...we play Dungeons and Dragons as a family and I have the honor of being the Dungeon Master.  (If you're unfamiliar with this, it means I'm the narrator of our adventure and I can throw weird stuff in when I feel like it).  I was joking with my husband that I would enjoy this adventure more if there were unicorns.  Alas, he showed me in the Monster Manual that there are in fact unicorns and if I choose to bring one in they'll be in our adventure.  Score!

Anyway, at Christmas I put a handful of "Choose kind" t-shirts on my Amazon wish list.  I love the book (and movie) Wonder and like the thought of reminding the world to be kind through my fashion choices.

My youngest son was looking over my shoulder as I chose and noticed a pink shirt with a rainbow-colored unicorn doing the dab.  Oh my.  It looked like something a 9-year-old would wear proudly.  And somehow I got it for Christmas.

When I wear this t-shirt I feel like I'm dressing too young for my age and I feel a little silly.  However, my son loves it when I wear it and even more than that, it reminds me to embrace the fun of life and not care what others think.  There are so many rules in life that I feel like I have to follow.  It's fun to just wear a silly shirt.

At the donut shop the cashier told me she loved my unicorn shirt.  :)  Me, too.

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