Saturday, December 7, 2013

Broadening my perspective

Last post, I wrote about directing the Christmas musical.  Suffice it to say that at the conclusion of the dress rehearsal, I was fighting tears.  Why?  I was embarrassed that it didn't go well enough and my pride stung. 

It's hard to make OK be acceptable.  I like for things to be perfect and when they're not, I don't handle it well.  Part of me feels like I have to achieve to gain approval. 

As an adult, at least I'm at a point where I can see that this is a silly way to live my life.  God loves me.  Period.  A musical can have some hiccups and it doesn't make me lose His love.  I learned some lessons for the next time I undertake a project like this one in the future to iron out some of the hiccups, but that's not the lesson to take away here.  My goal when I undertook this was that the kids got a chance to experience the Christmas story in a meaningful way.  At Wednesday night's rehearsal, about 35 kids got to share the message of Jesus' birth in a special way.  My own 3 kids loved the rehearsal and thought it was wonderful.   I can be thankful for that success.  The rest is just icing on the cake.

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