Thursday, April 4, 2013

Being a Glade's plug-in for Jesus

Yesterday at Community Bible Study we had a luncheon.  I love luncheon--we all bring something yummy to share and we chat.  We do it in a structured way (I really prefer that to just talking about whatever--everyone gets to share as well as listen).

The question was so rich--how did you find CBS and how has God blessed you through it?  I shared about my SIL telling me about CBS back when I was pregnant, lonely and looking to find connection with other Stay-at-home-moms.  Through it, the Lord has blessed me so richly. 

Friends, laughter, connection and fun.  But the biggest lesson I've learned through the mixed ages of ladies in my study group (which I love!) is that no one is perfect. 

At the beginning of motherhood I really did think that everyone else had it together and somehow I just couldn't quite measure up.  Through CBS (and a deeper study of the Bible) I've come to learn and fully accept that God doesn't expect perfection--just faithfulness. 

Life is messy and ugly.  I'm not a magic eraser that makes everything she touches sparkle.  Thank goodness for that because if that were the expectation I sure would fail.  I'm more like a Glade Plug-in.  The messiness will happen.  Daily.  Hourly.  Sometimes minute by minute.  It's my job to be plugged in to the source--the Holy Spirit--so that I can release God's sweet, neutralizing scent to those around me.  What a cool lesson.

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