Yesterday, it was time again for my biweekly check-up with our baby doctor. Aaron's mom, Judy, came to visit us so that she could go with me and see the babies in action. As usual, we saw the doctor and everything was fine--weight gain, blood pressure, etc. Aaron and I were a little confused on exactly which week I'm in. I asked, and the doctor told me that I was in day 1 of week 23. Good to know. After we spoke to him for a bit, we got to see the stars of the show...Walt and John. Neither of them were super active, but we got to hear both heartbeats, which always helps me relax and know that my boys are both OK. If you look closely to the picture below, you'll see toes just under where the nurse wrote "foot." How fun! They have toes!

Also related to feet, we saw that one twin (we don't know which) was kicking his brother in the face! The twin pictured below is curled into a ball, facing my spine. If I'm not mistaken, he was the one receiving the kicks.

Aaron pointed out later that this baby probably isn't being hurt--think of being kicked under water. You hardly feel it. But, he said if he can figure out once they come out which was doing the kicking, he would like to punish the offending twin. My thought is that if no damage is done (Lord willing) how would we ever know? I do, however, like the thought of Aaron being ready to discipline when one twin is kicking the other one. I have a feeling this won't be the last time they kick each other.
Judy and I had a lovely lunch after the appointment. We ran into some friends from church and these ladies shared how exciting it is that "the choir is having twins." I really do feel like a surrogate mom...the alto section of the church choir has claimed these babies as their own! I'm just thrilled that we have such a loving church family that shares our joy with us.
I just love that we are so encouraged by friends and family. It makes this whole adventure that much more fun and special for us.
If one of the boys is born with a broken nose / black eye / footprint on his face, then the other boy is definitely going to get a whoopin'.
Otherwise, I guess I'll have to paddle both of them, just on general principles.
No, I think that's why the doctor gives them a big spank. That covers all previous mischief and the slate is clean. All you have to do is ohhh and ahhh! -J
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