Today I'm at week 16 of my pregnancy and at the doctor's office today, we had wonderful news: at least one of our twins is a boy!
The nurse checks at each visit to make sure both babies are growing at the same rate, which would be cause for concern if they weren't. All is well with our twins. They both weight .4 pounds and have strong heartbeats. We have been calling Baby 1 "Gilbert" and Baby 2 "Sullivan" named after Aaron's favorite opera composers, Gilbert & Sullivan. Now, we are going to start calling Gilbert the name he will be called--Walton Lane, Walt for short--because today he was very active today and showed me and the nurse that he is definitely a boy. I don't have a picture that gives evidence to this to post for you, but the one above shows a picture of both twins together and that both are doing well. A friend had to help me figure out that this is both babies in the same picture--I'm no expert on sonograms.
Baby 2, or Sullivan for now until we know a definite gender, is also doing well. However, due to the position that Sullivan was laying in, we were unable to see if we have another boy or a girl. While we were watching we thought we saw evidence of boyhood, but the nurse said it wasn't enough to be certain. We'll hope that at my next appointment Sullivan will be a bit more cooperative for us.
I'm always so relieved after I go to the Dr and get to see that the babies are growing and healthy.
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